I worked closely with the National Manager of AgriFarm throughout this project. We devised a plan for the site that would make their vision a reality. Namely, they saw the site as being a resource center for farmers and people in the Agriculture industry. A place where you can ask questions, get answers, and thoroughly research for yourself. We accomplished this by developing a searchable/filterable/sortable library of studies and information, one that is easy to manage, and easy to use. To take this theme further, we developed a product calculator, which can calculate soil nutrients on the fly, a rich timeline of the company’s history, places to submit questions, find dealers, and get all of the information one would need. During the UX work, we took into consideration that a large part of their audience would be using the site in cached browsers (where reception may be flaky) and so we developed a site that could work without refreshing the page for new information constantly. The site also has a responsive design so that it may be used comfortably on devices in the field.